Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i wan to lose weight!!!

"I WAN TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!" since dont know when i've been started to say this words. But i will never be successful, since there are still so many yummy-licious food in this world... i juz cant resist it... imagine ur life without mango juice, Mcd, spaghetti... omg!! wat a miserable life>.<
since wan li, eelyn and chingyi want to lose weight too.. we have decided to lose by the healthiest way... YOGA!!!
Honestly, i fall in luv to yoga once started learning it... every movement stretches so much and u will feel so relaxed after that... after sweating, so fresh!!! (like promoting people to join yoga) Since today's class are on 11am... wan li and i decided to go for the class on 8am... seldom wake up so early... and its just for yoga... BraVo... im starting to be determined in losing weight!!! wakakakka...=D im not sure whether i have did the posture correctly but i feel so so so dizzy after that class even after a few hours its still the same. sad caseT.T waOz... feel like going to exercise more and more so that i can see the effect faster!!! Gym in uni after class...ON!!! i juz cant believe that im in the gym for half an hour!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! learnt a lot of things from chingyi!!! tHx loTsA... but i still cant follow the correct way... haiZ... manage to burn bout 80kcal of calories (3 quarter of a Big Mac)...

我已迈上成功的道路!!! specially dedicated to wan li and ee lyn!!! lol

** feel so sad in class today cuz suddenly kena scold by someone juz because i didnt notice that i didnt pass the attendant list to her... haiz...**


John Chai said...

lose wat weight lar.. no need 2 lose ler.. =X get a chatter box if can..

huiyi said...

i muz lose weight!!! dun patah my semangat la!!!=X...kekeke