Tuesday, February 19, 2008

after a long long time

waOz... this blog has been abandoned by me for so so long time!!! its time for me to update something in...
so many things happen in 2007 and now is 2008... haiz... wat a year...
wat hav i done in this 19 years?? (think for a while... blank>.<) btW... found some old pics in my lappy...
celebrating my bestie's burF in flaMe... (my first time clubbing toO*.*)

yummylicious haagen dazz ice cream^^
cam whoring in toy'R'us!!! i wan this bear bEar!!!>.<
took part in the hungry30 campaign... didnt eat for 30 hours for the first time!!! feel proud of myself!!!^^
niCe trip in perhentian islanD**
cHristmas countdown in Bangsar...hohoho
super duper full buffet in Jogoya^^ luvin the coconut & tempura!!
itS 2008!!!!

woo... time goes by so so so fast!!! lonely valentine's day has over... n chinese new year is ending dy... no more ang pao... sad case...T.T

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